Felted Lights

I love these string lights from French designer Hélène Magnússon. Each flower is handmade with Icelandic wool and each is a slightly different shape and size to make it feel more lifelike.

Can’t you just imagine these strung over a mirror or on the edge of a bookcase in a cozy living room?

Look into the Modern lighting collection of a shop to find the lighting fixtures that will match your home’s interior design.

These ship from europe, and have been wired to EU standards, but apparently can be changed out fairly easily for us US folks. Oh, and to make up for any trouble of doing that, she even offers free shipping to the US! Such a nice thing to do.

Shop the lights here and also check out Hélène’s website and blog (which is delightful, and written in both french and english).



  1. So glad I found your beautiful blog through a comment you left on mine. :) If you would like to submit a few photos of your designs for the Spotlight, I’d love to see them!

  2. Thanks for the kind words Vicki! I will definitely submit some of my work once I finish up my shop. I think it’s a great concept and I can’t wait to see the spotlight artists. :)